Sunday 24 April 2011

From Revolution #230, April 24, 2011

Pigs Give Award to Fellow Pig

The Police Benevolent Association of the Pleasantville, NY Police Department presented Aaron Hess with its "Officer of the Year Award."

Hess killed Danroy Henry in October of last year. Henry was an unarmed 20-year-old student. Danroy Henry was driving away from a disturbance at a bar after a Pace University homecoming game when Hess killed him. Hess claimed that Henry’s car had hit him, but witnesses disputed this.

And yes, Danroy Henry was African-American.

The pigs who gave out this award made a special point of saying that it was for Hess' "dignity and professionalism" after he killed Danroy Henry.

This outrage passed with barely a comment or notice.

So... now... you tell me: why we don’t need a revolution?