Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tamil Nadu - Update on the anti-nuclear protest at Koodankulam

October 2, 2012
How to Kill a Democracy
by S. P. Udayakumar
September 21, 2012
Anoint a colonized World Bank clerk as the Chief Executive with American blessings
And have him dance to imperial tunes and MNC notes with Swadeshi songs and swings.
Include all the rogues, rascals and rowdies as coalition partners and co-conspirators;
Make “Loot and Let Loot” the philosophy of governance and principle of administration.
Grant licenses, permits, and permissions for high amounts of kickbacks and commission;
Even if the country loses income and profit, just increase your cuts without any remission.
Appropriate real estates and properties, accumulate wealth and ascertain aggrandizement;
Hoard the money in Swiss banks, and have Quattrocchis operate ‘em without advertisement.
Open up national economy for Foreign Direct Investment and stringent structural adjustments;
Set up nuclear power plants all over and prop up foreign economies and nuclear establishments;
Build more nuclear weapons, blast more ballistic missiles with corrupt military procurements;
Turn the country into a super-poor superpower with these deadly political determinants.
If anyone challenges any of this, call them anti-national, unpatriotic and even seditious;
Claim they’re waging a war on the State even as you wage on them a war malicious.
Repeat the accusation they’re instigated by external powers, foreign money and spies abhorrent;
Foist false cases, vandalize their properties, raid their homes, send summons and arrest warrant.
Ignore global civil society, deem your citizens your own slaves and treat ‘em as you please;
Flout international norms, forswear human rights, forsake human dignity and citizens’ ease;
Stamp out democratic space, snub any political dissent, and silence any whispers and murmurs;
Turn hope and faith into fear and hate; engage media goons, and employ terrorism discourses;
And thus you can kill your democracy slowly, softly and surely!