Posted by Mike E on December 9, 2011
Philadelphia's police and this system's authorities have never, ever, given up on killing Mumia Abu Jamal. (Here being arrested thirty years ago.)
MOVE writes
“Officials killed George Jackson in prison, they tried to get several different people to kill Leonard Peltier in prison and MOVE sees the same plan being laid for Mumia.”
The authorities in Pennsylvania have formally dropped their efforts to carry out the official execution of Mumia Abu Jamal — revolutionary journalist, supporter of the radical Move family, and former member of the Black Panther Party. Everyone has been asking what this means.
However, then, the Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams and anti-Mumia crusader Maureen Faulkner held a joint press conference to discuss the dropping of the death penalty for Mumia Abu Jamal. Faulkner is the widow of police officer Daniel Faulkner who Mumia was accused of killing thirty years ago. In a now notoriously racist trial Mumia was then railroaded to a conviction. (For the history of this, please see and circulate our essay “Mumia Abu Jamal: Enemy of the State.”)
Here is what matters now: There was a specific and threatening tone to the way Maureen Faulkner announced that this decision would removed Mumia from his isolation on Death Row. This would, she declared, place him into the general population. She then raved about the dangerous nature of the prisoners who would now surround Mumia. And finally she specifically threatened to denounce any official who made any moves to provide Mumia special treatment.
It was a moment when you could see a sinister hope that it might be possible to see Mumia murdered in a Pennsylvania prison yard. In addition, it is being reported that moving Mumia from Death Row might become a justification for the authorities to deprive him of his current telephone contact with the outside world — which he has used to continue his powerful and respected weekly radio broadcast.
The police of Philadelphia, the authorities of this system, and their eager accomplice Maureen Faulkner have clearly not given up hope of silencing or killing Mumia Abu Jamal.
The blood-thirsty desire to see Mumia dead may well already now be operating through corrupt and racist prison networks. There are vicious prison guards and virulently racist prisoners who might see this as their chance — and authorities who may offer encouragement and protection.
These real dangers must be brought to the attention of everyone.
The International Family And Friends Of Mumia Abu Jamal and the MOVE Organization are circulating the following statement:
Urgent Update On Mumia Abu Jamal
On Wednesday December 7, 2011 District Attorney of Philadelphia, Seth Williams, accompanied by Maureen Faulkner, announced at a press conference that he was not pursuing another hearing to reinstate the death penalty for Mumia Abu Jamal.
This means that Mumia is now sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. There is already talk about him now being moved into general population.
Some people may celebrate this as a victory but MOVE is not under any illusions about these treacherous officials, we ain’t fooled one bit by their deviousness. We see this latest decision for exactly what it is — A devious tactic to kill Mumia in a so-called different way.
Officials killed George Jackson in prison, they tried to get several different people to kill Leonard Peltier in prison and MOVE sees the same plan being laid for Mumia.
This is personal for these cops and officials, they want Mumia dead just as much today as they have for the past thirty years, nothing has changed. They are furious with Mumia, with all the international support he has, with the strong consistent movement around Mumia. Cops see this as a contest, a contest they are determined to win, any way they can. That’s how sick and petty they are.
They can’t stand the fact that Mumia is Black and that he sides with TRUTH over the lies of this system and they wanna take him down, that’s how they determine winning. These cops and officials KNOW Mumia is innocent just like they know The MOVE 9 is innocent but they don’t care. They don’t give a damn about innocence or guilt, they don’t give a damn about Mumia’s life, they just want to win, which means killing Mumia.
These cops and officials are crazed and outta control about Mumia. They can’t tell you the name of those accused/convicted of killing cops six months ago, a year ago, five years ago, but they all know Mumia’s name and they hate him.
They’re not like this about other people; Ted Bundy, Lee Harvey Oswald (who was convicted of killing president JFK), Mark David Chapman (who killed John Lennon) or a host of other people accused of/convicted of murder, including baby killers.
Again, MOVE ain’t fooled by their trickery, we’re gonna remain vigilant over Mumia and we remain unrelenting in our fight for Mumia’s release, based on his innocence. We’re gonna expose this devious tactic worldwide for exactly what it is, so if these treacherous misfits try to do ANYTHING to Mumia, they will be exposed to the world for the spineless punk-ass cowards and weaklings that they are.
MOVE and Mumia supporters ain’t never gonna stop!