Wednesday 19 June 2013

Turkey/North Kurdistan's Maoist Communist Party: "Resist and fight!"

The following is an improved translation of a statement of the MKP of Turkey/North Kurdistan, a revolutionary party that has been engaged in a people's war in North Kurdistan along with militant worker uprisings in the cities for decades.

Resist and fight

To our laboring masses, comrades!
Today communists and revolutionaries are being tested. This is the time for them to fight devotedly, without turning up their noses and declaring this a spontaneous action and without falling into the reserves of bourgeois cliques. The revolutionary movement and the so called revolutionary wave are the practice of the masses today. The masses are revolutionary, their response is democratic and the reason for getting on their feet and rebelling is legitimate. As a requirement of our leadership role we must be involved in the living revolutionary process, and stand side by side with the masses. Let us resist, let us fight, let us pay the price! We cannot be an idle audience while the masses are being tortured and led to their slaughter.
Our valued people
Against every kind of reactionary repression, against violence and against fascism, the country’s accumulated anger has filled the squares from every corner and the revolutionary uprising of the masses has rocked the power of the ruling classes and the state of the “Turkish Republic.” The erupting mass movement against bourgeois interests and exploitation and the massacre of nature continues. By taking their fate into their own hands and expressing their self-determination, the masses have once again shown themselves to be against the bourgeois neoliberal shits. Even the power of the AKP’s fierce fascist repression couldn’t stop the resistance, it did not remove the masses. Despite the hundreds in custody, suffering the trauma of knowing there are thousands injured, the tons of gas bombs covering the cities like clouds, the garbage, the terror of water cannons and the torture, the masses fight on undaunted and do not compromise. Despite the censorship of silence from the sell-out bourgeois press, the blades coming from the mouths of the resistance have been heard throughout the whole world and resistance has gotten global support.
As huge crowds are being oppressed by the ruling classes personified by the government of the AKP, who don’t even respect their own laws, the waves of democratic responses colliding with the order of fascist oppression and exploitation have become the nightmare of the AKP and the ruling classes are losing sleep over it. Though it started as a reaction of the broad masses to the massacre of nature in the final analysis the democratic fight against powerful and barbaric oppression is turning into a revolutionary uprising that has on its fifth day declared victory by forcing the government of the AKP and the Turkish ruling classes to take a step back!

Like all reactionary ruling classes the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie in coalition with the bourgeois feudal government of the AKP has met the democratic demands of the masses as it has historically; repeated repression and violence against the resistance. They have tried to drown the uprising in blood. However, the rising masses have borne this heavy cost to make the demonstrations continue and expand. The protests in dozens of provinces in the country have mobilized hundreds of thousands to join with the resistance of Taksim Gezi Park.
Even with their repressive, fascist character, and complete arrogance, the AKP government was forced by the uprising masses to swallow its spit and take a terrified step back. The resisting and revolting masses have given rise to glory. The reactionary classes have again and again shown themselves to be paper tigers.
The government of the reactionary classes has always historically crushed and exploited the masses and has subjected them to every kind of pain. They do not even hesitate for a moment to apply reactionary violence to the sovereignty of the poor and oppressed of the world. The reactionary classes are organized and have the power of being the ruling class and with those advantages and also with their reactionary character and interests throughout history have treated the masses with contempt and through their recklessness have forced the masses to suffer barbaric pain and unseen rough treatment. The reactionary classes have alienated the labor of the masses and forced them to live in poverty, half-starved, half-full.
But the masses have reminded the reactionary classes of what they have forgotten: that the masses are the real heroes. By taking fate into their hands through revolutionary action the masses are putting their signature on history and turning the system upside down. The revolutionary masses have unforgettably proven that the contemptuous assertion that they are “three to five delinquents” and “marauders” is untrue. Today on this date the fascist AKP government has found themselves opposed by the revolting masses of different nations and ethnicities and marginalized belief groups of Turkey-North Kurdistan!
Erdogan, the leader of the AKP government and the “Turkish Republic”, underestimated the rising masses that he flagrantly and arrogantly referred to as “three to five marauders.” Taking his arrogance even further he threatened “As a party I could gather one million.” However, once “these delinquent marauders” have awoken they cannot be broken apart by empty threats, nor will they be frightened by the blood and stench of slaughter of vampire teeth, you cannot stop them! The one with warmongering and aggressive policies in Syria, the two-faced Erdogan that has hypocritically criticized the Assad dictatorship of bringing violence and slaughter to the masses has called those filling the squares “Marauders.” This is nothing more than his fear and panic of the masses’ uprising.
In order to extinguish the fire of revolt and to shift the focus from their response, while at the same time sending a message to their audience, the two-faced AKP government is putting on a “priest-executioner” play. While Bülent Arınç, Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek, and a series of AKP officials have admitted that the people’s demands are democratic in order to soften the masses, Erdogan cannot stop showing his teeth. In short, the ones like President of the Republic Abdullah Gül, Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek and Bülent Arınç attempt to soften the masses by responding that the people’s requests are democratic while the ones like Erdoğan, Mehmet Metiner, Şamil Tayyar and Melih Gökçek attack the rising masses to maintain their base.
The proletariat and the masses are not naïve and gullible enough to swallow this number. All of your tactics will hit that bronze wall and break apart your power. Resistance has not ended, it still goes on. The nightmare will continue for the reactionaries that have called the masses “Marauders.” Who is a marauder and who is a hero has quickly become clear and will continue to become clearer.
In Conclusion
We proletarian revolutionaries are looking beyond the bourgeois reactionary forces and fascist parties like the CHP and MHP (editor note: Republican People’s Party and Nationalist Movement Party, two Kemalist/national chauvinist reactionary parties) and see the democratic response of the masses uprising as a revolutionary response, and salute the resistance of the oppressed masses. It is our task and responsibility as revolutionaries to stand arm in arm with the popular masses during this conflict! With the same attitude we denounce the fascist oppression, torture and massacre, we will remain true to our practice of fighting against fascist oppression.
In order for a revolutionary movement to be successful a more effective, qualified and obvious leadership must be leading and revolutionary forces must be at the front. We call on all revolutionary democratic forces to unite in struggle! On this occasion we call on the different ethnicities and nations of Turkey-North Kurdistan and the poor and oppressed masses, all of our comrades, militants and supporters to join in resistance with the masses and wage war against the government and system of the reactionary classes.
In the final analysis we know that the angry fire and overwhelming strength of People’s War will knock down the reactionary order and overthrow the government of the reactionary classes. People’s War will win the final victory to establish the people’s power, build socialism and begin the march to communism! Whether big or small we must unite all elements of the democratic revolutionary dynamic and every kind of uprising of the masses with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and under the proletarian banner to conduct revolutionary struggle as an obligation of the revolutionary road.
No obstacle before the popular masses will last! Initiating revolution by the hands of popular masses is both legitimate and difficult. Because of that, going against the reactionary classes and walking down the road of democracy, freedom, and communism is our historic, progressive role and a requirement of the revolutionary method. When united, the fighting and resisting masses cannot be defeated. As such, every kind of reactionary difficulty that the reactionary classes cling to in the end is doomed to defeat!
The ones who write history are the revolutionary popular masses and their revolutionary action!
Long live the people’s legitimate, democratic resistance and struggle!
Long live the united people’s uprising!
Long live People’s War!